Juniper MX-MPC2E-3D-Q Description: Power requirement: 6.13 A @ 48 V (294 W) Weight: 14 lb (6.4 kg) Model number: MX-MPC2E-3D-Q Name in the CLI: MPCE Type 2 3D Q Hardware features: Two slots for MICs labeled PIC 0/1 and PIC 2/3 Two Junos Trio chipsets for increased scaling for bandwidth subscribers and services LAN-PHY mode at 10.3125 Gbps WAN-PHY mode at 9.953 Gbps
Jake T.
They were fast with responses and even helped with troubleshooting my AP
Casey H.
quick service and insightful
Mark P.
Account manager worked with my setup in what i needed.
Debra V.
Great communication, and product well packaged, will be ordering again.
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